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Loyalty Keeper

LoyaltyKeeper is your personal loyalty card butler. No registration, No login, and Free customer service. Customer services provided are available once the application has been downloaded on your Apple device(s).

Membership cards of all merchants cooperating with our LoyaltyKeeper program are available, no matter it's a Barber shop, Restaurant, Gym etc. For more information about our current cooperators, see this list.

download link from the app store


1. Easy to use. No frustrated operation required.
2. Supporting QR code scanning. Widly used and higher effiency.
3. Lightweight app. Taking less of your phone storage as well as data usage.
4. Concise and tidy. Avoiding complicated navigation hierarchies.
5. Flexiable navigation. You can choose for cards surfing or catch up with Store's daily menu.
6. No sign up required. Your LoyaltyKeeper will be binded with your current device, no phone number, account ID or email registration is needed.
7. Keep your privacy.  LoyaltyKeeper won't collect any personal information from you, except records on your loyalty cards.


APP Screenshot

Join Us

Join Us

LoyaltyKeeper welcomes all users and merchants to settle in at any time. Less processes and higher efficiency. Let's improve our service experience together, both customers and merchants.
If you want to join us, please contact below.

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